
Tuesday, October 29, 2019

WWC244 - The Watercooler Rock Star and Rockers

Drum roll, please!  It's Tuesday and time to announce our Watercooler Rock Star and Watercooler Rockers for Helen's "All About Occasions" challenge.  But first, we'd like to thank all those who played along with us.  Beautiful entries that make our choices so much harder, but we think you are all stars.  Well done!

Helen's choice for our Watercooler Rock Star is Cornelia's racing rat card design.  Following the winner are the Watercooler Artists choices for the Watercooler Rockers.

Helen's Rock Star:  I love Cornelia's fun card with her clever design, you can't help but smile as you follow the cute little rat running from the back of the card towards the sleigh!

Congratulations Cornelia!  Here is your badge to proudly display on your blog designating you as our Watercooler Rock Star.

Next up are all the wonderful designs that caught the eyes of the other Watercooler Artists for our Watercooler Rockers.  They are shown in no particular order.

Marsha's Rocker:  I love the soft, subtle colors Kristin has used. They look so well together. All the elements make for a very elegant sympathy card.

Karen's Rocker:  Sue's lovely CAS card is bright, bold and beautiful! I love how she colored her flower with alcohol inks.

Dawn's Rocker:  Darnell has made a beautiful bit elegant Christmas card. The metallic watercolouring looks so pretty. Love the CAS look to this card.

Tristan's Rocker:  I love the main focus of Claire’s card being her ho ho ho sentiment. The addition of the Santa hat provides perfect balance and cuteness!

Heidi's Rocker:  Jenny has created such a lovely CAS card using the floral Clearly Besotted image. I love the bright colours and shading. The glittery stamens and sparkling sequins finish off the card beautifully.

Kath's Rocker:  Cathy's CAS card is beautiful! The butterfly is wonderfully colored, a card anyone would love to receive!
Congratulations Kristin, Sue, Darnell, Claire, Jenny and Cathy!  Here is your badge to proudly display on your blog designating you as one of our Watercooler Rockers.

That's our lineup for this week's Watercooler Rock Star and Watercooler Rockers.  Be sure to come back tomorrow, October 30th, for our next Watercooler Wednesday Challenge.  You won't want to miss all the wonderful designs by our Watercooler Artists.


  1. Thank you Tristan for the shout out and your kind words. Congrats to Cornelia with her super fun card and the rest of the Rockers x

  2. Thank you, Karen. I'm thrilled that you picked my card. Congrats to all the winners and thank you to the DT for a fabulous fun challenge and all the beautiful inspiration.

  3. What an honor to be in this gallery of winners! Thank you, Dawn! Congratulations to Cornelia, Kristin, Sue, Claire, Jenny and Cathy!! Hugs, Darnell

  4. Thank you Kath for picking my card and congratulations to Cornelia and the other rockers! Cathy x

  5. Thanks for picking my card and congrats to the others:)

  6. Thanks so much Helen, for making me a Rock Star!!! Always something that was missing from my resume ;) - so sorry for the late thank you, but I was travelling and had limited access to the internet. Congrats to all the other winners!


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