Sunday, June 29, 2014

WCC03 - Sketch

At the Watercooler thread in the demonstrator-only forum, our group is all about a variety of topics. That's what this challenge blog is all about. We aim to bring you a variety of challenges that will inspire your creative self.  So far we have done a color challenge and a CASE challenge and this week, the challenge involves a sketch. Each of the Watercooler Artists have created their own interpretation of the following sketch:

As you can see, we all interpreted it a little bit differently! Take a look and be inspired:

Stefanie Plestcher

Jackie Susnik

Heidi Weaver
Susan Horr

Terri Antoniw
Buffy Cooper

Join the fun and share your creations!! Each challenge lasts 2 weeks and will end 5 minutes before the new challenge is posted. Please note that this week the linky is "text only" as we look for another photo based linky that is free to use.

Sunday, June 15, 2014


CASE - Copy and Share Everything.  In this challenge, we are each choosing a project featured in the new 2014-15 Annual Catalogue to CASE.  CASE-ing doesn't necessarily mean you are copying it detail for detail, you are using the sample as your inspiration point. The Watercooler Artists had some fun with this one... check out these samples to inspire you.

Buffy Cooper - Inspired by page 153 "For Your Country" card

Jackie Susnik - Inspired by page 107 "Mustache Heart" card

Stefanie Pletscher -  Inspired by page 78 - "Zoo Babies" card

Heidi Weaver - Inspired by page 169 - "For the Birds" tag

Susan Horr - Inspired by page 46 - "You're Invited" invitation
Terri Antoniw - Inspired by page 134 - "Hexagon Hive" Tag

Now it's your turn to share your own project meeting the Challenge guidelines.  Please enter as many times as you like.

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Sunday, June 1, 2014

WCC01 - New In-Colors

Welcome to the very first Watercooler Challenge!

This challenge is to use the brand new In-Colors that are in the 2014-15 Annual Stampin' Up! Catalogue. The new colors are great!! 

The new colors are:   Blackberry Bliss, Hello Honey, Lost Lagoon, Mossy Meadow and Tangelo Twist.  Have fun creating with these new colors!

Here are some samples from the Watercooler Artists to inspire you

Terri Antoniw

Buffy Cooper

Heidi Weaver

Jackie Susnik

Stefanie Pletscher

Susan Horr

Show us your fabulous creations!!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.